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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Mail, Email and Web Surveys: A Cost and Response Rate Comparison in a Study of Undergraduate Research Activity
Year 2001
Access date 26.05.2004
Abstract This study examines the cost effectiveness and response rates for three modes of self-administered surveys: mail, email, and Web. A survey requesting faculty to provide both qualitative and quantitative data regarding undergraduate research projects was conducted in the Winter Quarter, 1999 at Oregon State University. The population was divided into three groups distin-guished by the type of questionnaire delivery: mail, email and Web. Subsets of the email and Web groups were then formed based on various modes of pre-letter notification. This resulted in a comparison of five study groups: (1) a paper group that re-ceived all notification by mail and a hard copies of the questionnaire; (2) a paper/email group that received a paper version of the pre-notification letter and email copies of all remaining letters and questionnaires; (3) an email/email group that received all correspondence including letters and questionnaire via email; (4) a paper/Web group that received all mail requests inviting them to participate and notifying them of the Web site location to complete the questionnaire; and (5) an email/Web group that received all email requests inviting them to participate and notifying them of the Web site location to complete the question-naire. Return disposition, response rates, and cost estimates per survey group are presented here.
Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
